what on earth?

With my series: ‘What on Earth?’ I want to show situations in nature and on the street that no one seems to notice anymore. These are scenes that became normal for us humans, but if we look closely, it is rather absurd.

I asked myself: how do humans relate to nature? As humans we feel superiour to the earth, nature and animals. But we must see the earth as our home again. Humans are part of nature, and we need it. However, we don’t treat it that way. Ultimately nature determines everything.


images are made without harming any species
all images are available in print in various sizes, please contact for possibilities

Lab Results: Nothing Lasts Forever (2024)

Je m’en Fish (2023)

Thinking of You (2023)

Live Stock (2023)

From Swamp Bird to City Dweller (2023)

Warm Nest (2023)

Throphy Box (2023)

Redeem the Earth (2023)

Use-Less (2023)

Last Reserve (2023)

Break Seal in Case of Emergency (2023)